Welcome to #WUFO! This page will be updated throughout the week, so be sure to check back frequently. #WUFO is here once again – this is Week 8!
On Wednesdays (at 10 PM your local time), We Look Up! If you are new to us, just passing through, or have some questions, check out this article on #WUFO here.
For those returning, WELCOME BACK! In past posts, we shared info on exactly how this event started, and what folks can do to participate in case of inclement weather/inaccessibility (with links to virtual telescopes/live sky feeds/guided meditations for contact). You can read those posts here and here.
We have punch cards, a UFO water recipe, weekly astrology side quests, AND an official website: WUFO.WATCH!
Guess what’s coming next: STICKERS! Soon, WUFO stickers will be for sale on this very site. We will be making an official announcement when they are ready to release!
Join us LIVE on TikTok this Wednesday at 9:00 PM PST You can RSVP here! Until then, check out our TikTok page for more videos on WUFO, weird oranges, HAM radio, and more! Use hashtag #WUFO on Twitter, IG, Tiktok, etc. to share what you’re experiencing in real-time.
Stargazing Side Quest
Every week we’ll also be featuring an astronomical side-quest from estimable astrologer Maighdlin Kelly! While you’re looking at the sky, take a moment to get to know it better.
Maighdlin says:

“Your Wednesday Night UFO side quest is here! This week 9 Mar ’22 we’ll be looking for 🌟 CAPELLA 🌟
The 6th brightest star in the night sky can be found in the constellation Auriga above Orion. This Wed we’ll also find the 1st quarter Moon between Capella+Aldebaran 🌓

Manilius says of people born under Capella: “inborn in them is a desire to seek the unknown”.
In Diana K Rosenberg’s Secrets of the Ancient Skies volume 1, she notes Capella people as having “a longing to delve into, recover, and preserve the achievements of ancient cultures” page 307, picture 283.
Capella is actually a multi-star system with two main giant yellow stars. It just looks like a single bright star from Earth. Read more here.
In the tropical zodiac Capella is @ 21°51’♊. If anything in your chart is at this position, you should come find Capella in the night sky with us!
Tag us & let us know if you spotted Capella (or any UFOs)! 🌟🔭”
Consider joining Maighdlin’s Patreon here.
Last Week’s Recap

Bex started last week’s live contact session by making some UFO water tea (white tea + butterfly pea + Dark Works tincture), lighting a homemade candle, and pulling a few cards to see what exactly we were getting ourselves into.
Cards Pulled:

- Death (Mushroom Tarot) – death might only be a moment of change or transition. Moving between phases of life, or moving between the biggest phase-changing of death to new life might be healthy to start pondering sooner rather than later. Amanita ocreata

- Mystery (Oracle of the Hypogeum) – an initiation, confronting one’s darkness in order to understand life and death. Descending into the Hypogeum via the Imaginal Realm and finding an answer.
Then, Bex goes under for an Estes Method session. The communication is a bit random at first, but the conversation eventually flows into the subject of food. We hear from a few different characters, including “Sponge Hardens”, Martin, and Radford. They mention an “eating project” of sorts, also mentioning tarts, roasted, toasted, frozen, and hot dogs.
We go on to interpret this as the entities requesting food offerings from us for all future contact sessions. That means more UFO water treats! Yay! Now, Bex will be treating these contact sessions more like hosting house guests: offering gifts, treats, and making sure they don’t leave with an empty stomach!
Enough about what we’ve done, let’s see what others have been experiencing during WUFO!

Post about your #WUFO experience, and we may share it right here!
Tonight’s Plan

Tonight, Garrett and Bex will be hosting this week’s WUFO (contact session and sky watch live) from a very special (and secret) location. More info to unfold on that –
Per usual, we will be making UFO water! Bex has been using it to water her seedlings for this year’s garden. Something tells us those veggies and herbs will be out of this world! For the “Official UFO Water Recipe”, click here. Bex has also made special treats (using UFO water) and will be using them as offerings! Never again will she enter a contact session without food/gifts for our friends.
We’re also conducting our weekly live contact session on TikTok at 9:00 PM PST. You can RSVP here. Join us for some card pulls and an Estes Method session!
Once 10:00 PM PST rolls around, we will head outside to look up, find Polaris, and spend some time gazing at the sky. Both Garrett and Jeremy are now the proud owners of handmade antennas for their HAM radios. They can reach 30+ miles with a 5/5 quality rating. Imagine using that when seeing a UFO – who knows what may respond?!
Long term, we’re looking to host a live stream feed right on the home page of this very website. We want folks from all over the world to be able to share their skies/experiments/sightings – live!
Bring plenty of snacks, blankets, and maybe some hagstone binoculars (if you just happen to have some around, like Jeremy). This concludes today’s WUFO post – we are SO excited for tonight’s watch! Who’s going to be “looking up” with us?!