It’s #WUFO Time! This is #WUFO Week 16! If you’re new, here’s a FAQ that will get you started. Reminder: send us a picture of your completed punch card and we’ll send you a little something in the mail!
At its very core, WUFO is a fun break from the week to hang out and enjoy each others’ virtual presences. You can do as little as go outside (or check a sky cam) at 10 PM your local time, or as much as hosting your own WUFO watch party (virtually or IRL)! WUFO has also created itself in a way and is continuing to grow all on its own – we’re here for the ride, wherever it may take us. We’re glad you’re here, too!
Weekly Live Contact Session + Special Guest
Gone are the days where you need to check various socials for our weekly live contact sessions – now, you can watch the stream right here at 8:30 PM PST. Hit that bell icon to turn on notifications for this event!

This week we’ll be joined by our pal Rob Kristoffersen (host of Our Strange Skies Podcast) aka Mr. UFO himself!
“I started investigating paranormal phenomena in 2007, and from 2007-2015 focused exclusively on haunted locations. Following a UFO encounter in the summer of 2015, my interests changed to the UFO phenomena and I’ve been researching it ever since. I started The Our Strange Skies podcast in 2017 and have appeared on a number of others including Astonishing Legends and The Paranormal Podcast with Jim Harold.”
Tonight will be so fun!
Shop WUFO Merch

You can visit our shop here. Right now, the shop has both WUFO and Liminal Earth merch, but it this will soon be a WUFO-only shop. Also: we are offering FREE SHIPPING each and every Wednesday! Use code WUFO at checkout!
This is an excellent way to support WUFO as we put a lot of time and energy into making each week as awesome and accessible for folks as possible!
Stargazing Side Quest

Courtesy of Astrologer Extraordinaire Maighdlin Kelly: On 4 May 2022 we will be looking for MERCURY!
This Mercury day we’ll be looking for Mercury! If you are able to, go outside after sunset, and look west to find Mercury near the horizon. Keep looking up and you should see the crescent Moon too!

Consider joining Maighdlin’s Patreon here for more Astrology awesomeness.
Now let’s catch up with last week’s WUFO!
Last Week’s Recap

Last week, we were joined by our good buddy Alex Fulop! We hung out for a bit, read some cards, and then hopped into a session; Bex went “under” for an Estes Method session, and Garrett did so with special goggles!
You can watch the full, unedited stream by joining Liminal Earth’s Patreon for just $1!
The official transcript of this session is currently being drafted. Check back soon!
Now let’s see what our fellow WUFOers got into last week:

Tonight’s Plan

Tonight’s WUFO prep will include making more UFO Water, eating cheap pizza (a WUFO tradition in Bex’s household), setting up another element altar (loving this idea from Katie, and serving as a more formal offering space too), and cleansing our contact space. Some light meditation/grounding beforehand is also recommended!
This week we’ll also be raising donations for the National Network of Abortion Funds. Visit wufo.watch/donate or fundathon.nnaf.org and donate to this important cause.
As always, we are conducting our weekly live contact session right here, this time at 8:30 PM PST. Join us for some card pulls and an Estes Method session! If you’re wanting to watch directly from this site, all you have to do click the video above when it’s time!
Once 10:00 PM PST rolls around, we will head outside to look up and spend some time gazing at the sky. Bring plenty of snacks, blankets, and maybe some hagstone binoculars (if you just happen to have some around, like Jeremy). This concludes today’s WUFO post – we are SO excited for tonight’s watch! Who’s going to be “looking up” with us?!