It’s #WUFO Time! Welcome to #WUFO Week 37! If you’re new, here’s a FAQ that will get you started.
You can find this week’s Stargazing Sidequest on its own page right here.
Live Contact Session
This week we’ve got an exciting lineup of activities for the stream, so make sure to turn into the broadcast at our new time starting at 7pm PST (for an East Coast show) bleeding into the regular West Coast that begins at 8:30pm! This week we’ll have some surprise guests with Bex starting in the first hour.
Then Garrett and Jeremy will take over with a second portion of the show interviewing the one and only Jim Perry. Come prepared with questions and plenty of snacks!
Jim Perry is a podcast host (Euphomet), creative producer, and entrepreneur based in the Pacific Northwest. His fascination for the anomalous events that happen in people’s lives inspired the creation of Euphomet, the critically acclaimed audio documentary podcast about the strange and our relationship to it.
Everyone has a weird story, and Jim is devoted to uncovering the intimate, human-centric version of these supernatural tales. How do unexplained phenomena, such as UFO sightings and ghostly encounters, affect us on a personal level?

Last Week’s Recap
Last week got WEIRD y’all! It felt like there was a lot of new energy and excitement being able to extend the show to more people and allow for more guests and members to the community to participate. If you’ve been itching to come on the show and talk about your WUFO experiences or want to talk with us, be sure to drop us a line and let us know! You can also send us little videos of your experiences WUFO’ing and we may drop them in the intermission parts of the stream! We want to see what you’re up to!
We began our NEW, EXTRA-LONG format at 7PM EST with Bex and Adler Kuper, our OFFICIAL new co-host for WUFO East! Bex and Adler discussed some interesting UFO reports from the Louisville, KY area, including some chit-chat about other local hot-spots like Hopkinsville and Hellier. Bex also told a story about the time she and Adler met a possible “real life goblin!” Jeremy joined after a while, and we talked about how fun it is to add “butter flavoring” to movie theater popcorn. For the West Coast show we talked to Emily and Kaj about the Chehalis Flying Saucer fest, Deep Lore, corn (but of course) as and Simulation Theory! What?! Remember, if you want to see any of the archives, we leave them up for a week and otherwise they are available through the Liminal Earth patreon subscription (for just a $1).
We tried something totally different at the halfway mark, attempting a community contact session where *everyone who wanted to* could participate. Instead of one person “under” listening to a spirit box or the “Carrier Wave” or “Tenney Sounds” (available to all here via John E.L. Tenney), we piped the audio into the chat stream and let everyone who felt so inclined to meditate and try to engage and recall what they saw and heard. Then we compared notes! We attempted to visit and make contact with anyone or anyTHING at the Grant’s Pass location we have been trying to dream about for the last two weeks. And there was a lot of interesting syncs between people!

From Garrett’s Tweets:
During this first part of the session, I was focused on trying to get into the greenbelt location in Grants Pass, Oregon that we have been trying to collectively dream about for #wufo. With my eyes closed I could ‘see’ a WELCOME mat but no visible door. I finally managed to get a small door to appear once I left an offering of some mugwort. And did feel sort of a blueish humanoid outline thingy, but then the session was over. Next when we tried the community spirit box, I heard “I’m reminded of fruity pebbles.” It sounds like multiple people heard “fruity pebbles” as well – which is pretty funny! And I like that @adler_kuper saw pebbles in their experience! During the spiritbox part I was focused on still trying to get into that greenbelt and asking questions about that. I sort of asked how to open the ‘door’ and got the response ‘speak open’, so I verbally asked for it be open. But then I heard “I can’t.” Then I asked “Can I open it?” And I heard “You can’t.” So who the heck can open this door, hmm? Finally, I heard “I’m blind”, and I saw in the chat that at least two people heard that as well, including @janeteborkowsk1. I really liked this experiment where a large group is sampling from the same spiritbox audio source and reporting what they hear/experience!”
Janet Borkowski also said:
“During the carrier wave session, I saw all of us there, but everyone was wandering around in different directions. I “saw” three beings in 1960’s black suits. Two were talking saying we needed a certificate or certification. I heard “I’m blind and hurt” and then either “Harold” or “Herald”..”
And Adler said: “I ALSO heard, “I’m blind”!.” And:
“So, this is very interesting to me — I don’t remember the exact phrasing right now, but I repeatedly heard something talk about needing to open a door. When I asked how, it said, “In your mind”/”Inside”. It felt more like a reference to a mental door/block in my own mind.”
That was just a snippet of what came out of the group contact session last night! As Katie Webb said:
“I love the community Liminal Earth is building. Encouraging everyone to engage instead of just “look at us!” It’s so refreshing and fun and FULL of cool evidence found by EVERYONE!”
That is the true spirit of #WUFO – this night belongs to *everyone* (who’s not a racist/sexist a-hole!) So come join us, or go look for UFOs with with your friends and share your evidence or art or videos for the rest of the community! See you tonight!