It’s #WUFO Time! Welcome to #WUFO Week 44! If you’re new, here’s a FAQ that will get you started. Livestream link:

You can find this week’s Stargazing Sidequest on its own page right here.
Tonight’s Plan
This week, we’ll be starting at 8 PM PST/11 PM EST, when we’ll be joined by our friend MEGHAN ELIZABETH TRAINOR. Meghan will be teaching us how to cast electron spells with easy-to-purchase materials!
Meghan Elizabeth Trainor is a Seattle-based artist, writer, lecturer, and performer. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally from Seattle and New York, to Berlin, Copenhagen, and Barcelona. Her most recent solo exhibition was Let Us Not Confuse Zero With The Stillness Of Electrons at Center On Contemporary Art (COCA).
She has been featured in Goodwitch/Badwitch at Museum of Museums; the Frye Art Museum’s interview series, Virtual Visits hosted by Negarra A. Kudumu; and as a guest on Critical Bound Podcast’s series Art, AI, and Technology. She completed her Masters at Tisch School of the Arts/New York University; and has been an artist-in-residence at the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, the Digital Performance Institute, and the Janie & James Washington Foundation. Trainor’s practice centers her scholarship in the throughlines between computer science, technology, and esoterica. She frames this through storytelling around bogs, hedgewitchery and digital witchcraft, and the use and histories of electronics and electricity.
The range of her storytelling includes everything from essays on speculative histories and logic gates to spoken word pieces and cunningly worded memes and graphic imagery. Trainor currently holds the position of interim Curator of the M. Rosetta Hunter Art Gallery at Seattle Central College.
Find Meghan online here:
- IG: @meg.han.el.izabeth.train.or
- Twitter: @megtra
- TikTok:
- Mastadon:
- NFTs on OpeanSea:
Last Week’s Recap
Last week, we started with a LIVE CONTACT SESSION at 8 PM PST/11 PM EST, featuring a GUIDED MEDITATION designed to help us visit new and interesting places. After the session, we were joined by our friend TIMESCANNER (a.k.a. Richard Penner). Richard is a writer, artist, voice actor, and lover of all things unexplained. He tweets at @timescanner. He created the absurd scifi podcast The Infinite Now, and can currently be heard as the voice of the Dictator on the surreal microfiction podcast The Goblet Wire. We then used a “Build-an-Entity” system to create our own Liminal Entities! Using a 20 sided die, we used the following chart to draw our Liminal Friends. Give it a whirl and post yours using the #WUFO hashtag!
Here are a few of our awesome new pals:
Come join us tonight, or go look for UFOs with with your friends and share your evidence or art or videos for the rest of the community with #WUFO! See you tonight!