It’s #WUFO Time! Welcome to #WUFO Week 46! If you’re new, here’s a FAQ that will get you started.

You can find this week’s Stargazing Sidequest on its own page right here.
This week, we’ll start with the East Coast Show at 7 PM PST/10 PM EST. It’s the return of Bex and Adler! They’ll be chatting about spooky stories told by family members over the holidays, and reading some reports from the map at Liminal.Earth.
At 8 PM PST/11 PM EST, Garrett and Jeremy will join for a Live Contact Session! We’ll be pulling cards and divining with our collective liminal hearts and minds, and reach out to any aerial entities during an Estes session!

After 30-45 minutes, Garrett and Jeremy will take over for the West Coast part of the evening. We’ll be chatting about stuff and junk, and doing some experiments with AI DIVINATION, and there’ll be plenty of opportunities for you to play along at home!
Come join us, or go look for UFOs with with your friends and share your evidence or art or videos for the rest of the community with #WUFO! See you tonight!